An Indian Too Digs On (& Mislabels) Non-Electronica
Just in time for the tenth anniversary of Jeff Buckley's death, and all the attendant posthumous releasing mania, I remembered this incredible gem. In my obsessive Radiohead collecting days some years ago, I stumbled across this "unknown piano song" which had been mislabeled as Thom Yorke solo work. I believed it too, for a while -- both their voices possess that same haunting vibrato, which is in full effect here. It starts with a minimal Ligeti-esque piano refrain and Buckley extending out these spooky phrases, slowing building with insane spiraling feedback and then crashing into a full band death-metal-funeral-dirge. I have no idea what it's call or what release it's from, and I don't have the patience to wade through a bunch of his work to figure it out, but I am hoping some Buckley maniac out there will stumble on here and alert us to where we can find more. Until then....
ADDENDUM from Friday June 22nd:

Turns out I was completely offbase and the song is from angsty Brit-stadium-rockers Muse! Thanks to some intrepid readers out there for their skepticism. It is a b-side from 1999 single "Muscle Museum" and it is completely unlike anything else I've heard from this group. (Admittedly, I do indulge in an occasional listen to the let-me-upgrade-Queen-with-arpeggiators-and-kickdrums-bombast of "Take A Bow" while not endorsing the band on the whole.) Here is a reposted version of the song that both enchanted & tricked me (sorry Jeff Buckley, I still love you more).
Muse - Con-Science
Are you sure its Buckley? The vibrato sounds unlike anything I have heard in Jeff's works. Plus the "can't" that is sung sounds very british to me. Perhaps it is Thom. But still, I'll ask some fellow Buckley enthusiasts what they think.
Hey all , first visit to the site.
Though I've never heard this song, I'm 100% certain it's by a fairly popular British band called Muse. I recognised the singers voice immediately, and the actual musical content is unmistakeably theirs too. I used to be a big fan of these guys about 7 years ago during my angsty teenage years.
Wow, I didn't think my mystery would get this far... or that I would be digging on Muse so heavily in a public arena. I will admit to loving the bombastic Queen-meets-arpeggiator burst "Take A Bow" from last year, but I can't say I've heard much else from them that I've enjoyed. A re-evaluation is in line, perhaps? Thanks friends. I am soulseeking their back catalog to find the track name now. Come to think of it I've been a fool for assuming that it was Jeff Buckley, I don't exactly know what put that idea in my head...
Well said.
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